Patient Testimonials

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I thought my life was over. Dr. Cardenas helped me look at my situation differently. I can now look back and see how strong I was to face my fears and get through chemo and radiation.

26-year-old breast cancer patient

I wish there was a whole patient perspective series where we can share how incredible Dr. Cardenas is with her patients. I often think about when I first called to schedule an appointment and there was another therapist available to see me first. The scheduler said ‘I think you’d connect better with Dr. Cardenas if you can wait a few more weeks’ and I’m so grateful I did.

Dr. Cardenas has the ability to create the safest space in therapy that feels like I’m talking to my wisest aunt, respected mentor, and oncology expert all while navigating this cancer wave and that to me is such a beautiful gift.

38-year-old colon cancer patient

Working with Dr. Cardenas saved my life. I had finished cancer treatment but didn’t know how to get back to the life I had before the cancer. She helped me to slow down and ask myself the questions I most needed to figure out what I most wanted for myself.

50-year-old breast cancer patient

I am grateful to have worked with Dr. Cardenas. She literally helped me turn my life around.

45-year-old uterine cancer patient

I am thankful for Veronica’s guidance in navigating through some of the most challenging moments of my life, for her strength when I felt weak, for her encouragement when I felt defeated, and for her compassion and support when I felt sad and alone. She has been a soul-healer and my journey is better because of her.

70-year-old lung cancer patient

Watching my husband go through treatment for pancreatic cancer was very painful. But losing him left me and our family devastated. Veronica helped me through this dark time and I now feel more at peace. I still miss my husband, but I can get through each day a little better now.

67-year-old cancer caregiver