Psycho-oncology stands as a specialized cancer care field.
This form of psychology tackles a spectrum of psychological, behavioral, emotional, and social challenges encountered by both cancer patients and their support networks.
The impact of cancer often leads to substantial distress for individuals and their families, with the nature of this distress varying based on unique personal and familial experiences.
Multiple factors, such as the type of cancer, the life stage of patients, and their coping mechanisms, come into play.
We address the unique needs of Patients, Survivors, Caregivers, and those with cancer recurrence and incurable or advanced cancer.
Patients receive help dealing with emotions.
We specialize in working with patients with a recent cancer diagnosis or those who have been living with cancer for some time.
We are here to help you feel less overwhelmed and stressed with the uncertainties, manage the emotional turbulence that accompanies a cancer diagnosis, and better understand these emotions.
We aim to come alongside you and teach you proven ways to cope and get through this experience.
Survivors need to learn to navigate the aftermath.
You survived and made it through cancer treatment and thought everything might return to what it was like before. But you feel worse in some ways, which is not what you expected.
You still feel some residual side effects and are still not feeling yourself. Maybe you feel demoralized and wonder if you are depressed.
Questions arise – “Where did everybody go? Shouldn’t I feel happy that I made it?” Although you survived, you still feel discombobulated and unsure how to pick up all the pieces.
Our services for cancer survivors will help you navigate this part of your experience so you can begin to pick up the pieces and feel whole again.
Caregivers need guidance, too.
Caregivers play a pivotal role in the lives of individuals experiencing cancer. We recognize the significance of caregivers, recognizing that their support is invaluable in helping patients navigate the highs and lows of this challenging situation.
Whether caregivers offer physical, emotional, or financial assistance, their contributions are immeasurable, and we must not overlook their role. Regardless of the stage of the cancer experience – whether your loved one is currently undergoing treatment, in the recovery phase, or has sadly passed away – you are going through a unique and impactful experience that deserves attention and support.
The meticulously designed services for cancer caregivers help guide you through this life-altering challenge while ensuring you remain connected to the essential parts of yourself that are crucial for your well-being.
Advanced or incurable cancer creates significant challenges.
Navigating life with incurable or advanced cancer presents a profound challenge. We firmly believe that even in such circumstances, every moment holds the potential for purpose and meaning.
Our commitment is to empower you to make every second count, ensuring that your remaining time involves purposeful living and meaning because you are still here. We tailor our services to assist you in clearly defining your aspirations, however big or small, for this time in your life.
We strive to help you articulate your desires and then guide you in living in the most fulfilling manner, creating memorable moments and memories for you and those around you. Our goal is to support you in embracing the richness of your life, even during challenging circumstances.
Learning to live with incurable or advanced cancer can be incredibly challenging. We believe there is a way to make every second count and that your remaining time can feel purposeful and meaningful. Our services can help you clearly define how you want this time in your life to be and then set out to live it in the best way possible so that it has memorable moments and creates great memories.
Psycho-oncology can make a difference.
Cancer impacts everyone involved and can create a high level of uncertainty.
Let us help you and your caregivers navigate the challenges that cancer causes.
We have the expertise to help. Contact us to learn more about how the Center for Psycho-oncology Care can help.